Four Ways to Connect With Your Renter
Today, Americans are busier than ever before. Between job, school and family responsibilities, few people have a great deal of time for their favorite hobbies — much less connecting with the person who owns the home they’re renting. Forging — and maintaining — those connections with your renter is crucial to a smooth relationship. Here are a few ways to do so.
1. Demystify the process
Lease agreements contain a great deal of information that can be overwhelming, especially for those who are renting for the first time or if you have younger renters. Providing a cheat sheet can help clarify those points that are especially important and set your renters up for success.
2. Reach out via snail mail
Today’s modern methods of communication can make it difficult to project a personal touch. In addition to sending emails and text messages, be sure to reach out using good, old fashioned paper and pen. Wish your renters well during the holiday season and/or acknowledge their birthdays. Consider sending an anniversary card in celebration of your time as landlord and renter. This tactic makes it obvious that you see them as a person and not just a way to make money.
3. Make decorating painless
Everyone likes to make their home feel more like their own personal space. You, on the other hand, might inwardly cringe when you think about the potential for damage to your property. Providing them ideas and/or links to decorating tips that leave little to no trace makes it more likely that your renters will stay. Folding screens, temporary wallpaper and hooks that don’t mar the walls are all examples that you can pass along to your renters.
4. Connect regularly
Make it a point to contact your renter on a regular basis. This could be as often as once each season or as seldom as once a year. Checking in every so often lets your renter know that you are thinking of them.
Real Property Management provides a hands-on property management experience. Communicating and connecting with renters is a crucial piece of their business model. Learn more by contacting them today.